– Sroufe er en viktig teoretiker i dagens utviklingspsykologi, og hans tilnærming til emosjonell utvikling er av stor betydning. Tilnærmingen hans er viktigst i denne boken, selv om den også gir en innføring i hele feltet. Vi får presentert stadier i utviklingen av emosjoner, betydningen av tilknytning for emosjonsregulering og individuelle forskjeller i utviklingen. Boken konsentrerer seg om spedbarnsalderen fram til tidlig barndom.
Boken brukes bl.a. som pensum på profesjonsstudiet i psykologi. Andre lesere vil antakelig være spesielt interessert i utviklingspsykologi. Boken er ikke spesielt lettlest, men den er konsist skrevet, så man får mye ut av hver side. Boka er ikke godt rettet mot praktisk anvendelse av stoffet, til det er den litt for teoretisk, men den gir et godt grunnlag for å forstå fenomener i tidlig barndom. Etter min mening er dette en god bok for de som er interessert i barns emosjonelle utvikling.
Emotional Development
«'A masterful account of emotional development during the early years. It is an enormous challenge to provide an integrated picture of our current knowledge concerning the increasingly organized complexity that takes place in this area. Sroufe has done just that. In lucid prose, rich with examples, a coherent story is told from a developmental systems perspective. Using a central concept of regulation, the author also includes key aspects of cognitive, social, and physiological development, as well as particular aspects of attachment. As the reader would expect, the author's extensive experience and insights from longitudinal and experimental work carried out over nearly three decades is included. A strong clinical perspective is also evident; dimensions of individuality, meaning, and adaptation are pervasive.' Robert N. Emde, University of Colorado»
In the past, researchers have treated the development of the emotions and the task of emotional regulation as two separate topics, the former emphasizing 'normative' questions and the latter emphasizing 'individual' differences. Les mer
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- Forlag
- Cambridge University Press
- Innbinding
- Paperback
- Språk
- Engelsk
- 9780521629928
- Utgivelsesår
- 1997
- Format
- 23 x 15 cm
«'A masterful account of emotional development during the early years. It is an enormous challenge to provide an integrated picture of our current knowledge concerning the increasingly organized complexity that takes place in this area. Sroufe has done just that. In lucid prose, rich with examples, a coherent story is told from a developmental systems perspective. Using a central concept of regulation, the author also includes key aspects of cognitive, social, and physiological development, as well as particular aspects of attachment. As the reader would expect, the author's extensive experience and insights from longitudinal and experimental work carried out over nearly three decades is included. A strong clinical perspective is also evident; dimensions of individuality, meaning, and adaptation are pervasive.' Robert N. Emde, University of Colorado»
«'… an important contribution to our understanding of the emotional worlds of our patients … It sets out comprehensively, and with academic rigour, how the experience and expression of emotion is a central strand of individual development.' Tamsin Cottis, New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis»