Rethinking Environmental History
World-System History and Global Environmental Change
This exciting new reader in environmental history provides a framework for understanding the relations between ecosystems and world-systems over time. Alf Hornborg, J. R. McNeill, and Joan Martinez-Alier have brought together a group of the prominent social scientists, historians, and geographical scientists to provide a historical overview of the ecological dimension of global economic processes.
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This exciting new reader in environmental history provides a framework for understanding the relations between ecosystems and world-systems over time. Alf Hornborg, J. R. McNeill, and Joan Martinez-Alier have brought together a group of the prominent social scientists, historians, and geographical scientists to provide a historical overview of the ecological dimension of global economic processes. Readers are challenged to integrate studies of the Earth-system with studies of the world-system, and to reconceptualize the relations between human beings and their environment, as well as the challenges of global sustainability.
- Forlag
- AltaMira Press
- Språk
- Engelsk
- 9780759113978
- Utgivelsesår
- 2007
- Serie
Globalization and the Environment
- Format
- Kopibeskyttet EPUB (Må leses i Adobe Digital Editions)