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Predicting Religion

Christian, Secular and Alternative Futures

«'...this really is an interesting and exciting collection...There is much to explore and enjoy...I strongly recommend this book.' Theology '... a surprisingly insightful and accessible collection of essays with wide appeal and broad content... a welcome contribution given its intentional and refreshing boldness.' Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory '... lively and thought-provoking... diversity is the book's strength...' Reviews in Religion and Theology '... the articles are invariably provocative and offer an intriguing commentary on the potential future of various religious movements during the coming decades.' Contact 'Theoretically informed as well as creative, its 19 chapters bravely predict religion's coming shape and texture - 30 to 50 years hence.' Sociology of Religion 'This is an exciting and informative book presenting sociological analyses of the future of religious behaviours in Britain... The essays in this anthology are written by experts and based on primary research with well-defined research populations. The content is interesting and captivating, and the themes have been chosen with vision. The work makes a worthy contribution to the body of knowledge on the social dimensions of Christianity.' Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae»

Contributions from 20 experts present predictions about the future of religion in the 21st century, based on careful analysis of the contemporary religious scene from traditional forms of Christianity to new spiritualities. Les mer

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Contributions from 20 experts present predictions about the future of religion in the 21st century, based on careful analysis of the contemporary religious scene from traditional forms of Christianity to new spiritualities.


23 x 16 cm

Om forfatteren

Grace Davie, University of Exeter, UK, Paul Heelas, Lancaster University, UK and Linda Woodhead, Lancaster University, UK Contributors: Linda Woodhead, Paul Heelas, Grace Davie, Jose Casanova, David Martin, Olivier Tschannen, Steve Bruce, Bryan Wilson, Paul Chambers, Rob Hirst, Martin Percy, Helen Cameron, Jenny Taylor, Andrew K.T. Yip, Gay Pilgrim, Kate Hunt, Jo Pearson, S.J.D. Green, Anastasia Karaflogka, Ulf Sjodin, Wayne Spencer, Benjamin Seel.


«'...this really is an interesting and exciting collection...There is much to explore and enjoy...I strongly recommend this book.' Theology '... a surprisingly insightful and accessible collection of essays with wide appeal and broad content... a welcome contribution given its intentional and refreshing boldness.' Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory '... lively and thought-provoking... diversity is the book's strength...' Reviews in Religion and Theology '... the articles are invariably provocative and offer an intriguing commentary on the potential future of various religious movements during the coming decades.' Contact 'Theoretically informed as well as creative, its 19 chapters bravely predict religion's coming shape and texture - 30 to 50 years hence.' Sociology of Religion 'This is an exciting and informative book presenting sociological analyses of the future of religious behaviours in Britain... The essays in this anthology are written by experts and based on primary research with well-defined research populations. The content is interesting and captivating, and the themes have been chosen with vision. The work makes a worthy contribution to the body of knowledge on the social dimensions of Christianity.' Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae»

Medlemmers vurdering

Bruce – 26.01.2006

– Denne boken tar for seg religioners utvikling, og hadde som mål å komme med noen fornuftige prognoser. Dette var en form or forskning som før boken hadde blitt betydelig svekket, til fordel for svært ideografisk religionsvitenskap. Sentrale ideer som behandles er sekularismens fremvekst og kristendommens fall. Vi presenteres for flere syn på saken, noe som gjør boken balansert og tankevekkende. Mest spennende er forutsigelsen om den økende privatreligiøsiteten, som forfatterne uten tvil spådde rett om.
Tanken er at vi ikke har sett et fall i religiøsiteten, men forvandling av den. Dette er fascinerende lesning, og kan anbefales til alle som begeistrer seg for sosiologi og studier av religion.

Bruce – 26.01.2006

– Det er veldig interessant å spå, noe som er svært tydelig i media og hos folk flest, mens i vitenskapelig sammenheng synes nåtid å ha blitt viktigst. De store teoriene blir uglesett, mikroperspektiv gir mest nøyaktighet og minst usikkerhet. Men mange er avhengige av fremtidens utvikling; Ledere, skolesystemer og religionene selv. Og religionene er viktige, så hvorfor ikke spå om dem? Det blir det gjort i denne boken. Relgionsfeltet er delt opp i sekularisme, organisert kristendom og alternative religioner. En rekke forfattere kommer så med prognoser og eksempler på utviklingen som finner sted i disse religiøse feltene. Boken markerer et skille i religionssosiologien, hvor det endelig ble lov å kommer med de store tankene igjen, og 'religionsmålingen' fikk en seriøs motstander.

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